tisdag 27 maj 2008

Mitt fulla stöd!!!!!

Det verkar som om man inlett en större kampanj mot pedofili i Brasilien. Naturligtvis ha de mitt fulla stöd! Vill inte riktigt skriva vad jag skulle vilja göra om jag ertappade en sådan person! I vilket fall har jag valt att inte översätta vad Adland - the commerical archive skrivit. Väljer att plocka källan rakt av och hänvisa till http://commercial-archive.com/

From EuroRSCG São Paulo, Brasil comes this print campaign that glows in the dark. When the lights are on you only see half the story, turns the lights off and you'll see what goes on in the shadows.

To encourage people to report pedophilia , Lew Lara\TBWA Brazil placed children's underwear in the racks of adult (sexy) underwear in lingerie shops and department stores. The underwear carried a tag with the text: "This shouldn't be here, but some people pretend that they can't see it" and was signed "report pedophilia www.censura.com.br

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